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  • Writer's pictureSelah

Get In Position

Genesis 12:1-3 (NLT)

The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”

There are times when God speaks to us about a place that He wants us to go, and when we obey, we will see Him do something new in our lives. Going to a new location can range from a physical move like Abram to accepting a new job or leaving a job. I’ve had other experiences: One where I was driving to a location and felt led by the Holy Spirit to go there via a different route. And on another occasion, I was walking through the aisles in a store and suddenly felt impressed to go a new direction. Some of you may be able to relate to this, and some may think these things sound random but in both instances, God had something waiting for me that was revealed once I went down the paths He led me. It was up to me to be obedient and bust a move. As it was for Abram so it is for us: God’s instructions ultimately lead us to a place where we can receive something He desires to do for, do through, or give to us.

One day, this concept came to mind as I had been shopping and purchased a nice household appliance; I did not need the appliance as I already owned one, but it was on sale at a great price too good to pass up. I thought to myself, “I’ll give it to my nephew when he moves into his first apartment.” In this scenario, the difference between Abram and my nephew is that Abram knew what God had in store for him when he left his native country for a new land. My nephew had no idea that I had this gift for him. Nevertheless, I was under the impression he would be moving and waited expectantly on the date to arrive but it never did. I was excited to surprise him with this gift, but he never made the transition. I later learned another relative was holding on to household goods they wanted to bless him with, but he can only receive the items upon moving to his own place. And he knows this! The thought of him having a partially furnished home excites me…but he’s got to get in position!

I wondered if God felt about us the way I felt about my nephew. Is He eagerly awaiting to bestow things upon us once we get in position? Is He disappointed when we don’t move or delay the transition? I believe making a move in any area of our lives can require courage, faith, sacrifice, and confidence in God. Courage over the fear of the unfamiliar. Faith to go to the place God has spoken to you about. The sacrifice of letting go of and leaving behind what has the potential to hold you back. And confidence in God that He will take care of you and He will not lead you astray.

Our Heavenly Father has many wonderful things in store for us as we journey through the earth. However, we will neither experience them nor receive what He plans if we do not obey Him and get in position. Although there are times God reveals to us what’s waiting on the other side of our obedience, I wonder how much more we can receive that is being held up that we are unaware of. I want to challenge and empower you to take the necessary steps and make the journey in faith to reach the destination God has spoken to you. I’m convinced, like so many in the Bible, your purpose and provisions will be there! Your destiny awaits.


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