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  • Writer's pictureSelah


This reflection will sound like one of my previous ones, “Half-Baked”. Yet I felt the need to reiterate this point once again but in a different way. While preparing a meal for a family member the other day I was stirring some ingredients together in a bowl. He was so anxious to eat, but without all of the ingredients being properly mixed together, it just wasn’t gonna taste right. Once I finished I gave him the food and it was consumed in no time!

While preparing the food, I imagined what it’s like for us to wait on things we desire in life (apart from food). That’s when I envisioned the loading symbol like the one you may have seen on a computer or game. More specifically, in the case of single women I saw an image of a man “loading” but not completed. Looking at this from a technology perspective, there are times when we click on a program or icon and have to wait for it to begin. What we don’t see are background processes that are taking place that we may or may not understand. Our typical conclusion is that we have to wait (hopefully) a short time before the program/application or game can be used. So we understand that it has to finish loading before it’s ready.

Have you considered it could be the same way in life? There are many things we ask God for from day to day. In some cases when we don’t see those things we become frustrated, or go back and ask again because we didn’t see it happen in our expected timeline. Maybe some of us huff and puff, or give up hope. Yet, once we have said the prayer (once we hit the button to launch the program), what happens next is what we don’t see happening in the background like with our computers and gadgets. Sometimes there is a sequence of events that must occur in order for the answer to the prayer to be revealed. We don’t always get the luxury of knowing this by seeing a “loading” image or “progress” bar. Yet God knows and sees it all. I encourage you to do what David said, “Wait patiently on the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14a NLT)

This is just a public service announcement to encourage you to wait on the Lord. Whatever you have asked for in accordance with His will shall come at an appointed time. Trust in the Lord and His perfect timing. I believe that you will see what you’ve asked for once things are fully loaded.

Be blessed,


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